"...from the mountains to the sea"
Walking is one of our favorite activities here. From the Hill House all you need to do is pack a delicious lunch and walk out the door, see local topo map . The house is situated on the north east edge of the Pisa range. An uplift range that runs between Arrowtown and Queensberry. The geography is one of rolling mounds, in contrast to the craggy Southern Alps surrounding us, it is great walking country. On the tops the flora is a mix of the alpine pillow fields, tussock and Spaniards punctuated by the spiky but beautiful native Matagouri tree. If you look close to the ground you will find a myriad of alpine flowers. In the gullies there are tight thickets of mountain beech and totara, in the streams you might even find some gold.
The New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) provides up to date condition reports for their tracks. They also provide printed DOC maps available from their offices. The nearest local office is the Mt Aspiring Visitors Centre on Ardmore Street in Wanaka.
There are hour long walks, day long hikes and you can tramp as long and as far as you want. There are high country huts that can be booked for overnight stay through DOC.
Remember to take a warm, windproof layer it can get cold here on any day of the year. We have seen snow on Christmas Day. Do not plan an overnight trip without consulting the local DOC office for weather and provision requirements. If you go bush bashing off track be sure to wear strong pants and shoes as the local plants can be spiky.
Personal Locator Beacons are available for hire from a variety of outlets, check here for details, https://www.mountainsafety.org.nz/learn/skills/communications/plb-hire/
Rob Roy Track
This is a beautiful day walk so pack lunch and some drinks to take with you.
Drive through Wanaka and head out along Mount Aspiring road for about an hour. The road skirts the western shore of Lake Wanaka and then runs up the Matukituki valley to Raspberry Creek car park where the walk begins. The road is dirt from the Trebble Cone ski resort but generally passable in 2WD, there are a number of shallow fords towards the end of the drive if you are nervous, wait and watch someone else go across.
Public toilets are located at the Raspberry Creek car park and also about two thirds of the way along the track.
If you are not up for the walk the drive is very beautiful and there are some great picnic spots along the way.
Department of Conservation information: http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/tracks-and-walks/otago/wanaka-makarora/rob-roy-track/
The Pisa Range and conservation area
Just look out the dining room window and up, its right there about three hundred meters above you. There are three huts up there if you want to overnight. You can walk between in summer and ski between them in winter. Four wheel driving, horse riding and mountain biking can also be arranged.
The Pisa Range conservation area is accessible via the DOC track beginning at the southern end of Wailana Heights Drive. Department of Conservation information: http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-visit/otago/wanaka-makarora/pisa-conservation-area/
Wanaka Walkers
Wanaka walkers is a local group that conduct guided walks usually on a Monday. http://wanakawalkers.blogspot.com.au/